Nema šutnje za "Počivali u miru", čeka ih još neispričanih priča

Kamo će nakon ove iscrpljujuće i emotivne epizode krenuti lik Lucije Car? Kamo će otići priča u trećoj sezoni i hoće li te sezone uopće biti? To su pitanja na koja nije lako dati odgovor. 

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There is no silence for "Rest in Peace", more untold stories await them

Where will Lucija Car character go after this exhausting and emotional season finale? Where will the story go in the third season? Is season three even possible? These are questions that are not easy to answer.

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Hladno i okrutno mjesto

Četiri dana u tjednu, počevši u 21 sat, izaberemo li prvi program HRT-a, nemilosrdno smo izloženi efikasnom koktelu krimića, političkog trilera i horora. Dila se pod etiketom "Počivali u miru", snažan je narkotik i za sobom ostavlja neizlječive ovisnike koji svakodnevno žele sve jače doze. Od televizijske fikcije čovjek teško da može poželjeti više.

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A cold and cruel place

Four days a week, starting at 9 pm, if we choose HRT 1, we are relentlessly exposed to an effective cocktail of crime, a political thriller, and horror. It's served under the label "Rest in Peace", which is a strong narcotic and leaves behind incurable addicts who want higher doses every day. One can hardly wish for more from television fiction.

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Počivali u miru ne vole slučajnosti

Ako ste ikada čitali kriminalističke romane tada znate da detektivi ne vole slučajnosti. Avanture Lucije Car u drugom tjednu emitiranja uvjerit će Vas da je ona zaista "pravi detektiv”.  Svakako, najbliže tome što smo ikada snimili.

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Rest in Peace do not like coincidences

If you’ve ever read crime novels then you know that detectives don’t like coincidences. The adventures of Lucija Car in the second week of broadcasting will convince you that she really is a "true detective". Certainly, the closest we've ever recorded.

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'Počivali u miru' i dalje na vrhu naše dramske produkcije

Na zadovoljstvo svojih gledatelja, HRT se uvalio u nevolju. Nakon 'Crno-bijelog svijeta', omogućio nam je svakodnevno praćenje još jedne dobre - čak odlične - domaće serije, druge sezone krimića 'Počivali u miru'. Serija je, baš kao i u svojoj prvoj sezoni, izvrsno snimljena, pametno napisana, dobro odglumljena i, za razliku od prve sezone, pristojno najavljivana pa je privukla isto takvu pozornost. HTV je zbog toga sad u nevolji - morat će nam nakon ovoga niza ponuditi još nešto domaće, otprilike na istoj razini kvalitete.

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'Rest in Peace' still at the top of our drama production

To the satisfaction of its viewers, HRT got into trouble. After 'Black-White World', they allowed us to follow another good - even superb - domestic series on a daily basis, the second season of the crime drama 'Rest in Peace'. The series, just like in its first season, was excellently filmed, cleverly written, well-acted, and, unlike the first season, decently announced, so it attracted the same kind of attention. HTV is in trouble because, after this series, they'll have to offer us something at approximately the same level of quality.

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Počela druga sezona serije 'Počivali u miru', ljudi burno reagirali na naglasak glumaca

I nakon prve, intrigantne epizode, pobunili su se Istrijani, koji su nezadovoljni 'skidanjem' naglaska. Ekipa serije već se osvrnula na kritike i na svojoj službenoj Facebook stranici.

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The second season of 'Rest in Peace' has started, people reacted furiously to the actors' dialect

After the first, intriguing episode, the Istrians rebelled, dissatisfied with 'mimicking' of the accent. The team of the series has already commented on the criticism on its official Facebook page.

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Da je ovo američka serija, sigurno bi dobila Emmyja

Toliko efektnih izvedbi već dugo nismo vidjeli na malim ekranima: Judita Franković i Goran Navojec posjeduju kemiju koja je nepohodna za međuodnos njihovih protagonista, no mislim da neću pogriješiti ako posebno izdvojim Dragana Despota, Ninu Violić i Anju Šovagović Despot. Da su u Americi, natjecali bi se za nagradu Emmy, a ovako će se morati zadovoljiti ponekom nominacijom za nagradu Hrvatskog glumišta.

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If this was an American series, it would surely get an Emmy

We haven't seen so many effective performances on small screens for a long time: Judita Franković and Goran Navojec have the chemistry that is necessary for the relationship between their protagonists, but I don't think I'll be wrong if I single out Dragan Despot, Nina Violić and Anja Šovagović Despot. If they were in America, they would compete for the Emmy award, and this way they will have to settle for a few nominations for the Croatian Acting Award.

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Od serije u Hrvatskoj nismo ništa zaradili, ali smo dignuli standard

Dario Vince, vlasnik Ring produkcije i Saša Podgorelec, glavni scenarist serije "Počivali u miru" koju je otkupio Lionsgate, otkrivaju kako je ona nastala i što nas očekuje u drugoj sezoni.

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We did not earn anything from the series in Croatia, but we raised the standard

Dario Vince, owner of Ring produkcija and Saša Podgorelec, the main screenwriter of the series "Rest in Peace" bought by Lionsgate, reveal how it was created and what awaits us in the second season.

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Hrvatski noir kojeg se ni Danci ne bi posramili

Znajući kakvim se sve banalnostima zabavljaju naši scenaristi, zbunjuje da im godinama pred nosom promiču nevjerojatno uzbudljive priče, lokalni krimići, mafijaške sage, melodramski zapleti i politički trileri koji ostaju filmski intaktni. „Počivali u miru“ prvi je domaći dramski proizvod koji pokazuje zdravorazumski ukus i interes za teme i priče koje nas okružuju, a većina od onih koje sam imao priliku vidjeti ima potencijal i za cjelovečernji film. 

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A Croatian noir that even the Danes would not be ashamed of

Knowing what banalities our screenwriters are amused by, it is confusing that for years they have been disregarding incredibly exciting stories - local crime tales, mafia sagas, melodramatic plots, and political thrillers that remain cinematically intact. "Rest in Peace" is the first domestic drama product that shows common sense and interest in the themes and stories that surround us, and most of those I have had the opportunity to see have the potential for a feature film.

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